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Sports Event Management


Sports Event Management Services

At K18 Global Sports Management Nigeria Limited, we understand the importance of creating successful and memorable sports events. With years of experience in event management, we offer a wide range of services to ensure that every aspect of your sports event is planned and executed flawlessly.


Our team of experts works with you from the planning stage to the final execution, taking into consideration all of your specific requirements and ensuring that every detail is carefully taken care of. We work closely with you to understand your vision, goals, and objectives, and tailor our services to meet your unique needs.


From event planning and coordination to sponsorship acquisition and management, we have the expertise to make your sports event a success. We also assist with venue selection and logistics, media and publicity coordination, ticketing and registration management, and on-site event management and staffing.


Our services are not limited to a particular sport or event type, as we have experience in managing various sports events such as football, basketball, tennis, golf, and more. We understand that every sports event is unique, and we strive to provide personalized services to make your event stand out and be successful.

Event Planning and Coordination


Our event planning and coordination services cover every aspect of your sports event, from concept development to post-event evaluation. We work with you to understand your goals and objectives, and we use our expertise to develop a customized event plan that meets your needs.


Sponsorship Acquisition and Management


We help you secure sponsorships for your sports event that provide you with the financial support you need to succeed. Our team has extensive experience in acquiring and managing sponsorships, and we can help you identify potential sponsors, negotiate sponsorship agreements, and manage sponsor relationships.


Venue Selection and Logistics


We help you select the best venue for your sports event and manage all logistical aspects of your event. Our team has a deep understanding of venue selection and logistics and can help you manage everything from venue setup to transportation and parking.


Media and Publicity Coordination


We help you generate media coverage and publicity for your sports event that helps you reach a wider audience. Our team has extensive experience in media and publicity coordination, and we can help you develop a media and publicity plan, coordinate media interviews and coverage, and manage your online presence.


Ticketing and Registration Management


We help you manage ticketing and registration for your sports event, ensuring that your attendees have a smooth and seamless experience. Our team has experience in managing online ticketing and registration systems and can help you manage everything from ticket sales to attendee communications.


On-Site Event Management and Staffing


We provide on-site event management and staffing services that ensure your sports event runs smoothly. Our team of experts can help you manage everything from event setup to attendee management, ensuring that your event is a success.